Touching at a distance: new project, new blog #touchingatadistance 2 years ago Video documentation of my exhibition Shadowgrounds in two large underground halls in a former water reservoir.… /i/web/status/1… 2 years ago I am at SonicActs this weekend to present my new film The intimacy of strangers /757097769 #lichen #film #microscope 4 months agoĪlways the optimist, I am hoping the new #RevopointMINI 3d scanner on #Kickstarter will be able to give me some ni… /i/web/status/1… 8 months ago I hope this post solves all the issues that existed with the previous 2 posts (from 3 July 2017 & 2 April 2016) about installing Watchtower Library on Mac.Some behind the scenes information about my new microscope film moving over lichen landscapes /1/the… 4 months ago Close the “Wineskin Advanced” window and reopen your Watchtower Library application wrapper.After closing the test run you will be asked if you want to see the logs.You may need to close and reopen the application and then go to “Help” > “Check For Updates” to make this work. NOTE: Trying to update Watchtower Library the first time may not work. Once the setup is finished, looking ath dropdown of the executable files, select the one which ends in “wtlibrary.exe” and then click “OK”.
NOTE: Do not change the path of where you are installing Watchtower Library.
Follow the instructions to install Watchtower Library. In the dialog box find the “WTLSetup.exe” file and then click “Choose”. In the “Configuration” tab click the “Browse” button under where it says “icon” and select the icon file we downloaded previously. Download and unzip this icns file (icon file). Uncheck the checkbox for “Auto Detect GPU Info for Direct3D” and then click “Done”. If your Mac is running High Sierra do to following:. NOTE: If it doesn’t open the first time try once more. Try opening the new wrapper application that you created. Click “View wrapper in Finder” once the wrapper creation finishes.
Enter the name that you want the application to be (eg. Click “OK” to download the updated wrapper. After the engine has been downloaded and installed, make sure you have an up-to-date wrapper version or if not click the “Update” button. Click “OK” to download and install the selected engine.
Make sure the latest engine (that doesn’t have the word staging in it) is selected in the dropdown and then click “Download and Install”. Click the + button to install an engine. Unzip Wineskin Winery if the downloaded file from the previous step is a ZIP file. Either insert the Watchtower Library disc or if you have the Watchtower Library setup files in a folder make sure you can find it. Here is how you install Watchtower Library on Mac: